“Potential Human”

It frosts me that anti-abortionists are getting away with the argument that the fetus needs to be protected because it is a “potential” human.
You can argue ANY MEASURE, on the basis that there is a “potential” outcome. That is the basis of all science fiction.
There is a “potential” that the situation might become violent, therefore we should confiscate all guns.
There is a “potential” that you might become a Supreme Court Justice, therefore we should give you the resources and time to devote to becoming a lawyer.
There is a “potential” that any given fetus might become another serial killer, therefore all fetuses should be aborted, and all children younger than one year old be killed. Hmmmm. Doesn’t that remind you of some biblical stories? I think that may have been tried. Oh, and King Arthur – wasn’t there something about him trying to have all children killed?
The “potential” argument is invalid. And using it to prevent other people from having abortions is evil.

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