Peace in the Middle East

OK. So, Peace in the Middle East.
Peace is not a truce between two armed camps, but when I can trust my neighbor to protect my backyard, and my grandkids when I am not there, and vice versa.
We have to get Israel and Palestine to that shared narrative.
Currently, Israel has the whole diaspora and sack of Jerusalem and Exodus and The Holocaust and returning to Zion narrative.
Palestine has a totally different one. Do you know what it is? How are you going to reconcile the two narratives if you don’t know it?
I have a friend who is Muslim, and tells me that her narrative includes Turkish oppression, European colonialism, and the illegal appropriation of ancestral Palestinian homelands by the evil Europeans.
Can we get the Israelis to protect the future of Palestinian grandchildren and backyards? and Palestinians to protect Israel’s future? There is the way to Peace.

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