Burning Qurans, Burning Flags, Building Mosques

Geez guys, grow up! Let’s visit Symbolism 101, and the rights of Citizens of the United States of America.
Burning a flag, or burning a Quran harms no one or no thing. They are symbols, and not the thing itself. It doesn’t matter to God what you do with them, it doesn’t matter to freedom if you burn one, or fold it gently. Or puree it or use it for animal bedding. They are symbols and what you do with the symbol has no effect on the real thing it represents. Sheesh.
Secondly, this is America. I may not agree with what you have to say, but I will defend to the death, your right to say it. Or to build a mosque where you can afford to buy the property and build the mosque. It is a FREE COUNTRY. When we start mousing around considering the “sensibilities” of a village of people half way around the world, or a city in Massachusetts, for whether we say what we want to say, or build a mosque where we want to build a mosque, we have lost what it means to be an American. Think about it. Freedom. It means what it means. You have to defend it, or you lose it.

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