What really makes you Angry. Live Your Legends blog prompt

Ah. I missed the first blog prompt from the Live Your Legends Blog challenge.

As you can probably tell from the title of this blog, I am angry at all the hypocrisy and falsification that goes on in our daily lives. Everybody lies. Politicians, Preachers, Business owners, advertisers – everybody shades the truth, hides it from themselves, and lies to everybody else.

The Government released an honest report about what the best diet was. It included lots of vegetables, and a minimal amount of meat and dairy. The dairy and cattle industries raised hell to their congressmen, and the report was revoked, reworded, and re-released, with an emphasis on merely eating sensibly, and focusing on “nutrients” so that nobody could tell what it said.

You can’t trust advertisements. You can’t trust charities to tell you what they are truly spending their money on. In our modern world of constant communications, you have to demand truth.


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